KNLU faculties:

The Faculty of Germanic Philology and Translation

summary information if necessary

The Faculty of Romance Philology and Translation

summary information if necessary

The Faculty of Oriental and Slavic Philology

summary information if necessary

The Pedagogical Faculty of Romance-Germanic and Ukrainian Philology

summary information if necessary

The Faculty of Tourism, Business and Psychology

summary information if necessary


Preparatory Department for Foreign Citizens


The primary task of the Department is to teach Ukrainian language to the foreigners and to prepare them for admission to KNLU or other higher education institutions of Ukraine.

Admission to the Department is carried out on the bases of an official invitation issued by KNLU.

Upon successful completion of training, students should receive a Certificate of Completion of the Preparatory Department for Foreign Citizens of KNLU.

Preparatory Department for foreign citizens of Kyiv National Linguistic University was founded in 1979. Many students from all over the world, including the People's Republic of China, the Republic of Korea, Japan, the countries of Western Europe and the Middle East, the Republic of Turkey, etc. study there. More than 3000 students have received preparatory training at our Department for more than 40 years of its existence.

In the course of studies, students will have a chance to learn the Ukrainian language and literature, the history of Ukraine, the economic and social geography of the world, a second foreign language (English / German) but also other academic disciplines.


03150, Ukraine, Kyiv-150, 5/17 Laboratory str., room 910 (building 3),

phone: +38 (044) 521-61-54 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



  • Procedure to Obtain the Invitation to Study

    In order to obtain an invitation to study at KNLU, the applicant should send us to our Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. the following documents:

    • Copy of valid passport (a page with photo);
    • Copy of the document on previous education with a list of subjects studied with grades (marks);
    • Written consent to the processing of personal data by KNLU and by the Ukrainian State Center for International Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
  • Obtaining of an Entry Visa

    In order to obtain an entry visa for studies in Ukraine, the applicant should contact the Embassy of Ukraine in the country of obtaining the study visa with an invitation to study issued by KNLU and all the necessary documents required by the Embassy.

  • Accommodation in the KNLU dormitory

    Students of the Preparatory Department for foreign citizens may be accommodated in KNLU dormitory No. 3 in double and triple rooms.

    To be lodged in a dormitory you should:

    1. Conclude agreement on accommodation.
    2. Pay for accommodation.
    3. Obtain a Settlement Order.
    4. Get a pass to the dormitory.

    Dormitory address: Kyiv, 8/13 Feodosiyska str... Phone: +38 (044) 525-68-65, +38 (044) 525-68-67



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Tel: +38 (044) 287-33-72 (rector's reception)
Tel: +38 (044) 529-82-86 (admissions)
Fax :+38 (044) 287-67-88
е-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.